Miller4NH Updates

Sometimes victory is hard to celebrate
It has been roughly 26 hours since the polls closed in New Hampshire and, well, things are not great politically. The Democratic party shed 20 seats in the House and two in the Senate, leaving us in even more vulnerable to terrible legislative policy choices foisted upon our neighbors. Still, I find myself searching for small bits of solace, reasons to feel hopeful rather than despondent.
For that reason, I am incredibly appreciative for the support you have shown me over the past 5ish months, both financially and in the community. That has led directly to my winning a seat to serve in Concord representing some 25,000 of my neighbors. I am truly grateful to you all for that.
I also continue to serve in my role as Moderator for Dover's Ward 5, managing our local polling site. Our team of ~35 neighbors safely and securely processed 2,900 ballots on Tuesday for an 86% turnout rate. Both of those are records for our Ward, best I can tell. It was a herculean task, and showed the power of a community coming together to help each other.
Those bright spots do not overcome the sadness I feel today. I am more concerned than ever about what the next two years (and beyond) will bring. But, as my very smart and wonderful wife shared this morning, I'm not going to feel badly for having had hope these past few months.
And I'm not going to give up hope for the future. I'll be in Concord doing what I can to prevent our state from regressing further. It is certainly not the version of this job I'd hoped to be serving in, but it is the one that needs to be done and I will not shy away from that challenge.
In the meantime, be kind to yourself. Be safe. And, when you can muster the energy anew, be a bit hopeful, too.